Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I have been waiting to make a lamp for, forever! for this project we had to make a functioning lamp, not just a lamp shade but the frame too. I choose to do a table lamp. First I had to build the frame from which I built out of wooden dowels. I sawed them into pieces of 5 1/2 by 8 1/2. After that I nailed them together. When the frame was done I built the base of the lamp from a softer wood. I measured the inside of the frame and cut out a piece that fit inside. I drilled a hole in the center that the cord could fit through, and then sawed it in half so that I could wrap the pieces around the cord. I then measured the top of the cord and cut a drilled a rounder piece to fit around that. that piece is what made the light bulb stay in place. after that I cut out the paper and glued it to the outside of the lamp.


For this project, the idea was to create a metamorphosis in the making. I choose to do a seed blossoming into a rose. I really enjoyed this project because I got to work with clay! I never worked with it before so when I went to buy it, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I ended up buying an air dry clay, which at first I had difficulty with because it said on the box that it took a while to dry... but it didn't take long at all. Once I learned how to control the clay and the tools, I had a much better time. I started with the largest, and most bloomed rose, and then worked my way down. When I was finished I painted them, again starting with the largest and working down. I made the largest rose the darkest red, and as they shrunk I tried to make the reds lighter and add tints of orange because the seed is more orange. When I was finished I glued them to a long piece of wood i painted white.

Teracycle Project

For this assignment I had to make something out of recycled materials. I had plenty of different things to use, but I did have trouble with an idea. It had to be a container of some sort. Finally I ended up on a tote bag. they are so useful! I started off with the strap by braiding a sliver of tarp, and two slivers of yellow plastic. After that I measured out an even piece of tarp, and a matching piece of yellow plastic. I took potato chip bags and cut out circles of different sizes, from which I flipped over so you could see the shiny silver side. I glued them to the tarp and then drew flowers around them in black and red super fine sharpies. after that, I placed the yellow plastic over it and stapled along these even lines I drew on the sides. When I was finished I flipped it inside out and then stapled the strap on.

Serial Planes

For this assignment I had to make a form out of serial planes. I choose to do a gorilla skull because when I envisioned the project and thought of and exploding skull. The purpose of this project was to have the planes show form, repetition, and gradation. We also had to have space in between the planes, however I thought that this was optional and did not do that. I tried to take it apart to redo it, but the wood glue was to strong. I made the planes out of a soft wood. I traced each plane off of a sketch I did of the skull, starting from the nose and mouth, and then worked my way up from there. i blew up the picture and retraced the lines with tracing paper and then transferred the stencils to the wood. I cut each one out with a ban saw and then placed them on a plaque I bought at A.C Moore, however I did stain that myself. Before gluing each piece, I painted them white.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

5 Face, Edge & Face Treatment

For this project we were able to choose a sold, but we had to change the faces and edges. It had to be made from bristle paper, and had to be solid white on the outside, but the inside could be decorated to our liking. I choose to do a "sailor style", with cut out waves on the outside, and a giant squid on the inside attacking a ship. The inside is painted in acrylic with waves draw in fabric paint marker. I used a fabric paint marker because for some reason my sharpie was not cooperating with the paint. The drawing is made of sketch paper, and traced in sharpie.


A Kaleidocycle is a ring of an even number of tetrahedrons [4-sided triangular pyramids], which flex or bend to show different sides of the pyramids and depending on the illustration, different decorations. These were construted out of bristol paper. One is coated in acrylic paint with fall themed colors, and the other is decorated with different shapes and colors, drawn with sharpie marker.

Archimedean Solids

Archimedean solids are semi-regular polyhedral structures. They’re created out of regular polygons, but include more than one. This one is made of bristol paper and is decorated with shapes and lines made of black sharpie marker, that coincide with the shapes.