Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Serial Planes

For this assignment I had to make a form out of serial planes. I choose to do a gorilla skull because when I envisioned the project and thought of and exploding skull. The purpose of this project was to have the planes show form, repetition, and gradation. We also had to have space in between the planes, however I thought that this was optional and did not do that. I tried to take it apart to redo it, but the wood glue was to strong. I made the planes out of a soft wood. I traced each plane off of a sketch I did of the skull, starting from the nose and mouth, and then worked my way up from there. i blew up the picture and retraced the lines with tracing paper and then transferred the stencils to the wood. I cut each one out with a ban saw and then placed them on a plaque I bought at A.C Moore, however I did stain that myself. Before gluing each piece, I painted them white.

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